Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Lost Tales

What is this blog? Is it about me? Is it about you? Is it about the world around us and its happenings? Is it about the questions being discussed and debated over in every media channel you accidentally come across?
NO. This blog is about the tales that aren't being discussed anymore… the tales that aren't being given a chance to inspire  our youngsters anymore…. The tales that no longer belong to the afternoon pre nap story-time with grandma ….. This Blog is about THE LOST TALES.
The Lost Tales talks about the EPIC tales of BHARAT or INDIA where the Lord Almighty himself descends down to Earth from his heavenly abode to destroy evil, establish good and set an example to all mankind about the ethics and morale of life.
The reason for talking about these stories through this blog is that the Gen X and Gen Y of today are not  aware or are just aware with the peripheral knowledge of these stories.I believe "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next". The yearning to know more in detail has been lost gradually over the years when  anime took over kids pre nap time, when the expert storytellers that grandmother’s are were seen only over festivals and occasions and when books with more than a few hundred pages became a house of dirt at homes.
THE LOST TALES is here to reiterate the lost glories of this land to today’s world and to recapture and deliver the magic they create through their magnificent story-line.
Stay tuned to be bewitched as we begin the beast of all epics soon…..THE MAHABHARATA!

“The Yogins who strive, see the Lord in themselves; but though they strive to do so, the ignorant perceive Him not, as they are not formed in the spiritual mould” Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15, Verse 11

In the egoism of their strength and power, in the violence of their wrath and arrogance they hate, despise and belittle the God hidden in themselves and the God in man” Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16, Verse 18